Another development completed without delays after Royal-repair damage repair specialists repaired all damages caused during construction process. Total 80 new built apartments handed over in London with views to beautiful Canary wharf. All inspection snag lists was cleared on time. Over 300 hard surface repairs provided. Our repairs quality best in the UK, that’s why we are leading damage repair company across the country. Summary of repairs: 10 chips and dents in baths, 5 scratches in shower trays, 1 crack in a sink, 33 damages to laminate flooring, 24 damages to external powder coated window frames and doors, 30 damages to internal wooden doors and architraves, 145 damages to kitchen units and worktops, 40 damages to radiators, 42 damages to vanity units, 10 stainless steel sinks polished, 30 other damaged surfaces repaired. And like always few pictures for you to check quality.

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